I’ve flown internationally on countless flights during the first, second, and trimesters in pregnancy (three separate pregnancies). Traveling while pregnant is completely safe in a normal and healthy pregnancy at any time, although it is advisable to stay grounded and close to ground in the third trimester after 34 weeks or so once you are nearing full term (37 weeks). It is always advisable to consult with your doctor or midwife and discuss your travel plans and your specific condition to ensure travel is appropriate for you. If this is the first baby you are expecting, don’t shy away from taking this opportunity to enjoy travel with your partner, because once baby is born travel, along with everything else, will change.
There are tons of great resources online regarding pregnancy in general. I found the following online sites to be great resources for pregnancy and childbirth in general, and I found it easy to find information through Google, of course.
Mayo Clinic: Air travel during pregnancy
Center for Disease Control: New Recommendations for Mefloquine Use in Pregnancy
Natural Pregnancy & Natural Childbirth
Medical questions regarding pregnancy (WebMD)
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (the classic pregnancy book bible online)
Pregnancy week-by-week snapshots
Hypnobabies Home Study Course (Book/ Study Guide/ CDs)
Pregnancy Journal journal (Book/ Journal)
Midwifery Today: Nutrition During Pregnancy
What To Expect: Eating Vegetarian and Vegan During Pregnancy
Eating for Pregnancy: The Essential Nutrition Guide and Cookbook for Mothers-to-be (book)
The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy (book)
Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide (book)
The Complete Organic Pregnancy (book)
Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care (book)
Your Non-Toxic Pregnancy (book)
Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea (DVD)
Summer Sanders’ Prenatal Workout (DVD)
Dr. Christine Anderson’s Dynamic Prenatal Yoga (DVD)
Pilates During Pregnancy (DVD)
The Perfect Pregnancy Workout (DVD)
Maternal Fitness: Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy, an Easier Labor, and a Quick Recovery (Book)
Fit Pregnancy: Postnatal Exercises
Fit Pregnancy: Squeeze in a Quickie Workout
Belly Beautiful Workout (DVD)
Lindsay Brin’s Postnatal Boot Camp with Moms into Fitness (DVD)
Shiva Rea: Postnatal Exercise (DVD)
Postnatal Rescue (DVD)
Is there another reputable site that you think would be useful to include here? Are you a blogger blogging on the topic of pregnancy or birthing? Email me and I’d be happy to take a look, make sure it’s relevant for my readers, and include a link here.