Feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, and most definitely with any suggestions or advice I can add here! I LOVE hearing from other moms and dads who have similar travel experiences and have their own advice or insights to share, as well! Some of the blogs I have had most fun writing have been inspired by questions or comments from my blog readers.
If you are overwhelmed with the travel planning process with little ones in tow, I also offer full-service travel planning consultation services including purchase of airline tickets on kid-friendly airlines, customized packing lists, and suggested itineraries focused on your families’ interests and ages of your little ones. Let me be your traveling with babies planning guru!
If you are overwhelmed with all of the baby gear choices on the market today, I also offer baby gear consultation services to help you identify the products you really need, you really don’t need, and will make recommendations based on your budget
I have a growing number of subscribed readers and followers around the world via social networking sites such as Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Google Plus. I update my blog approximately 2-3 times weekly, hold product give aways, provide product reviews and recommendations for products that I love. If you are interested in advertising travel, baby, pregnancy, or parenting-related products on my site, or in having a give away or a product review, please email me at jessica@gypsymomma.com or fill out the contact form below.
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When you click on advertisements or click on product recommendations and make a purchase, I do receive a small commission in advertising and marketing. This allows me to continue investing my time in this blog, and my intentions are to build up the revenue stream enough so that I can use proceeds from my blog to support effective NGOs working worldwide to improve maternal health and empower women and girls.
I am so thankful for your blog !
I’m glad it’s been helpful to you!
Wow, I just found your blog through All About Cloth Diapers, and I am so glad you write about these thoughtful topics. I have a 13 month old and we have had successful long trips to Mexico and Chile, and really horrendous short trips around the US. They are so unpredictable
I’m signing up to follow your blog 
Hi Julie, yes- it’s curious why they seem to do better on longer flights, isn’t it? I wish I knew the answer as to why! Thanks for following my blog and happy travels!